ARCHITECTURE: David Jameson PHOTOGRAPHY: Paul Warchol | TYPE: New Construction| FINISH DATE: 2015
Located in an upscale neighborhood near Alexandria’s Old Town District, this 3,600-square-foot modern-style home offers up the perfect mix of elegant and industrial features. Hidden behind a stone-clad wall, this one-story home provides its occupants with privacy from the busy street. After passing through this wall, the house begins to take shape of a folded-over origami tent covering three major living areas. The back of the home is made entirely of glass from floor to ceiling providing a glamorous view of the pool and back patio.
The interior of the home was designed in an effort to blur the lines between private and public spaces in the home. This open layout coupled with glass walls allows light to freely move through various spaces in the home. Furthermore, the shifting rooflines on the interior are not what you would expect when looking from the outside, adding an intriguing element to the home.